Income Report – June 2022
It’s Income Report Day!
These posts have been keeping me going, especially during these slow, yet crazy fast summer days. I figured June and July were going to slow down due to a few little getaways and us hosting a houseful of guests a couple of weeks ago…and slow down it did. This is my third Income Report and it’s truly helping me to keep on keepin’ on! Let’s goooooo!
Google Adsense $3.25
Amazon Affiliates $6.24
There you have it! It feels good to get this number out there! These next few weeks are still busy, but I’m hoping I’ll find time in the evenings to give more of myself to this little corner of the internet!
Thanks as always for supporting me, friends!
Marie 🙂
I totally agree, I wish every day was Prime Day! Haha. I love finding deals and sharing them with everyone. Keep on keeping on, sister!! Hopefully you'll meet that $15.00 goal next month!