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Kitchen Range Hood Cleaner
“If you scrub long enough, it’ll come out.” -My Mom
Okay, guys, here’s the deal – my range hood was looking nasty. Nasty, nasty. Seriously, I always tried to clean it, but nothing EVER worked. Ever. I finally decided to try using a Magic Eraser, the Mr. Clean Magic Eraser Kitchen and Dish Scrubber, to be exact. Now let me say, this isn’t even a sponsored post – however, I may have to email the Magic Eraser company to tell them, “Thank you!”
Here’s what you’ll need to purchase, that is, if you don’t already have these items on hand.
(Click on the photo to take you to the source):
Here’s what I did:
Step One:
Apply a small amount of dish soap onto a warm damp rag or paper towel then apply to the hood.
Step Two:
Cover it well in a circular motion.
Step Three:
Scrub off all that nasty grease and whatnot with the Magic Eraser. I also put a tiny amount of water on the Magic Eraser, this seemed to help even more.
Do you see the difference?!
Wipe it clean and TADA!!!!!
Look how shiny and pretty!
I’m thrilled to have a nice, clean and shiny range hood again. It looks brand new!
How do you clean your appliances? Tell me your secrets!
*This worked well for me. However, not all hoods are the same, so be careful out there, people. Please be sure to use this in a small space before applying to the entire surface.
Happy cleaning!
Thanks for stopping by!
Marie 🙂
Ooooh I've always heard GREAT things about the Mr. Clean Magic Erasers, but I've never tried them. May have to pick one up the next time I'm at Target! :o)
Looks so shiny!! Come clean mine next?
Lindsay – they are great! They really are magical 🙂
Sure. As long as you make your pumpkin bread! Deal?! 😉