December 2024 Recap
Hi there! I’ve been scrolling through old blog posts and have really loved looking back at monthly recaps, so I’m going to try my darn-dest to do monthly recaps again throughout the year! I have a billion-and-one photos on my phone from the month of December, so I decided to include all of them at the bottom of the post…well, that and also because I don’t know how to add so many and separate them one by one. This is called giving myself some grace. LOL! 😉
We had an amazing December over here – it was a month full of decorating, dressing up, snuggling and so much more…
Henry and Eliza had their middle school holiday band concert and Eliza had her first choir concert.
Henry woke up one night/morning at 2 a.m. and decorated our house just like Buddy the Elf. He later told me that he was up for two hours and had been planning the night of decorating for days. Apparently he even dressed like an elf while creating and decorating. He’s such a fun kid!
Our other elves were nice and mischievous and brought all sorts of “poop” one night. All three kids still love the fun that our elves bring!
Jane wrote out cards for her friends at school and it was the cutest!
Eliza had her first middle school dance…Henry chose not to attend. Hahaha!
I, along with two other awesome ladies in our PTO, delivered $150 Amazon gift cards to all of the elementary school teachers in our schools.
Jane had her first elementary school Christmas party and my last kindergarten Christmas party. My heart.
We visited Grandma and Grandpa K before they headed off to Las Vegas for Christmas and we visited my Mom for Christmas, too.
Jon, myself and the kids had a Christmas cake decorating contest, we made reindeer food, Eliza made homemade cinnamon buns and I made well over 20 dozen cookies for gifts, book clubs and for our own sugary needs. 😉
We went out to dinner on Christmas Eve and made sure to dress up. This out on the town Christmas dinner has become a fun little tradition!
Our Christmas Eve elves brought us all matching reindeer pajamas. The kids thought it was so funny! We made sure to run down our road like the silly reindeer we are.
Christmas morning was awesome and all three kids loved everything they received – Eliza knew the exact name of some perfume she got. It cracked us up! There was so much excitement!!! Christmas with a teen, a tween and a 5 year old was just as fun as ever!
We made a DELICIOUS Christmas dinner at home and watched movies.
We visited the Kalamazoo Air Zoo and Jon really enjoyed it (it was his first time). We went out to Chinese and Boba Teas, too!
We visited a Humane Society and almost brought home a cat, but Eliza’s cat allergy stopped us…womp womp!
We went out to dinner on NYE and made sure to make lots of noise with pots and pans at 7 pm and then the kids were in bed at 9!
It was a fantastic December full of lots of happy moments! We had a fantastic year as a family and one of the best summers I’ve had in a long time. These kids keep us on our toes, but it’s all worth it!
Thanks for scrolling through!
Marie 🙂
I’m linking up with Hello Monday.

Such a wonderful and festive month- thanks for sharing!
Y’all really did have such an amazing December!! What a collection of photos! I hope 2025 is just as good to you!