
What’s in my Amazon Cart

What’s in my Amazon Cart

Happy October, friends! I hope your September was delightful! My August felt like it was months long and it felt great – I loved August! My September, however, felt like it just flew right on by! I swear time goes faster than usual once the kids are in school. With all the busyness that comes…

Amazon Finds

Amazon Finds

Hi there and happy Tuesday to ya!! Today I’m sharing some happy summer Amazon finds and linking up with Tanya from The Other Side of the Road. Our last month’s Amazon orders consisted of mainly paper for a printer, soap, garbage bags and items from Jane’s My Little Pony birthday party… really not much else….

Summer Fun from Amazon

Gasp!  I’m back with another blog post for the month!  That makes two for the month – well, in fact that makes two for the entire year!  I’m killing it!  😉 I thought I’d hop on over here to share some of our favorite tried and true non-technology goodness for summer!  I’ve got mesh bags…