Cute and Affordable Bathing Suits from Amazon
I know, I know – it’s only January, but you guys, trust me with this swimsuit blog post. You see, we’re heading to an indoor water park soon and I don’t have a swimsuit to wear. Wait. Let me rephrase that. Ahem. I don’t want to wear any of the swimsuits I already own. There. I said it. Don’t think of it as a waste of money and material, rather, think of it as a matter of comfort. Not to mention the fact that I don’t think the ten extra pounds from the holidays seem to be helping much.
Seriously, someone needs to tell me to put the chocolate down. I’m in denial the holidays have commenced.
Anyway, I headed over to Amazon to check out swimsuits, preferably something affordable, as well as something to cover my mid-section and WOW was I surprised at what I found! I’ve got to tell you, I was so impressed with all the options that I just had to share some of my favorites here on the bloggity blog. The first four are similar, but I couldn’t help but share these fun tank-top-type-tankini-suits.
This one spoke to me immediately, so I bought it within minutes of searching for a suit. It has since arrived, I’ve tried it on and, you guys, it’s awesome! The tank top is completely removable and the bathing suit itself is so cute and comfortable. Oh and the coverage. I love the coverage! Once I put it on I was giddy. Truly giddy. It seems as though I have finally found the one that “suits” me. LOL! Pun intended, of course. Hardy-Har-Har!
Oh my gosh! Then I found this one. I may be convincing myself right now as I type that I need this swimsuit in my life. 😉 I love me some stripes!
How about this one? Super sporty, right?
Moving on to something a little more feminine. I think this one is so pretty. Just look at all the ruffles…and the skirt…and the fit…and the buttons… Seriously, what’s not to love about this pretty swimsuit? Geez, I’d wear it as a shirt if I could!
Okay, so check out this one! The straps, the skirt, the floral. Love it!
What do you think? Do you have a favorite? I’d love to hear your opinions. 🙂