CandyGram Freebie
We’re going on day number four of no school for the week. Henry and Eliza have only been to school one time since January 18th! Wowza! It’s so cold we can’t go anywhere and the kids can’t play outside. Everything is closed…even the coffee shops! So, in an attempt to grasp on to any sort of sanity for myself I’m blogging and then blogging some more.
I’m part of our school’s Boosters program and we’ll be selling CandyGrams next week as a fundraiser. We needed some new “Grams,” so in the midst of being on house arrest, I came up with these new CandyGrams over on PicMonkey. I’m not sure if this will help anyone out there, but hey – why not blog about it, right?
Our CandyGrams will be sold for a dollar and students, parents and/or staff can choose to purchase candy or a flower…or heck, both!
So, if your school needs a quick fix for a CandyGram, feel free to save this to your computer. If not, feel free to save this to your Pinterest account…just because…just keep me entertained…please! 😉
I made these CandyGram sheets so that they can be easily cut and so that paper won’t be wasted…gotta save those school dollars!
Once saved they can be printed in black and white, red and pink like you see here or on colored paper. I can almost guarantee you that our school will choose the black and white option…ink is expensive, yo! LOL
Color or not, they’re still cute! I can see some kids opting to color in the little hearts, too! Wouldn’t that be adorable? 🙂
There you have it! A fun little freebie for your school. Let me know if you end up using it!
Stay warm, friends!
Marie 🙂