Christmas 2015 Recap!
I’m going to go ahead and say that this was, by far, my most favorite Christmas EVER!
Having kids is so much fun and I’m so proud to call these little people mine.
A few days before Christmas I was scrolling through IG and came across one of my all-time favorite blogs, Bower Power Blog. Well, Katie, her majesty of The Bower Power, came up this list of photos to take during Christmas:

I loved this idea. What a great way to keep track of those precious moments, right?! She’s a genius.
As a result, Jon and I were sure to take plenty of pictures and I’m so, so happy we did, especially considering the gingerbread houses were eaten in 20 minutes, the cookies were decorated in 10 minutes and the gifts were unwrapped in 0.15 seconds!
Those moments are gone.
As much as I want to be IN the moment, for me, I like to remember the moment through photos, too.
Like I said, we took lots of pictures. Are you ready?
The kids made gingerbread houses.
Henry (the goof-ball) made pancakes.
I prepared the children for a million pictures. Don’t they look thrilled?!
“Kiss each other! Perfect!”
Eliza and Henry made cookies.
The kids decorated the cookies…and as you can see, Eliza made Type 2 Diabetic cookies…
Whoa sugar-on-sugar!
The kids drank eggnog.
The Elves arrived with our Christmas jammies!
“Kiss each other, again! Yes!”
We waited for the big guy…
…and waited…
…and waited…
…and waited. Luckily Nubs was around to keep us occupied.
Then we waited some more.
“Hey, you guys…kiss each other over by the tree, again! Beautiful!”
(Are you noticing a theme, here? I might have a problem… Does anyone remember that SNL where the family kisses everyone on the lips? Yeah…’bout that…okay, okay…we’re not THAT bad.)
Then we waited some more and watched the ending of a Christmas movie.
Henry looked up the chimney to make sure it was ready to go!
All good.
Henry set out carrots for the reindeer.
Santa said to leave him cookies and pizza. We didn’t disappoint.
Everything was ready.
Then the kids waited some more…
Wait! Are they trying to sleep right there? In front of the tree? Nice try, kids, nice try.
To bed, sweet babies.
I read them, “The Night Before Christmas.”
“The children were nestled all snug in their beds…”
Wake up! Santa came!!!
Our morning was short-lived, yet amazing, then it was off to Grandma and Grandpa George’s house (a two hour drive away).
The kids were excited to see Grandpa George, Grandpa Terri, their cousins and of course, to open more presents!
I was excited to have a family photo. We’re terrible at taking the time to smile for family pictures during special occasions (thanks to the photo list and Aunt Rachael for taking this picture).
Here’s something funny, at one point, my nephew, who received a magic kit as a gift, told my kids to keep their eyes closed while he performed the ‘ole-rabbit-out-of-a-hat-trick. You guys, Henry and Eliza were so patient and understanding while they waited to see the trick. It was a very sweet moment. I’ll let the pictures do the talking…
Next up, we traveled over to my parents’ house!
Oh and ignore the classy hole in Henry’s pants…I swear every pair of his pants has a hole in the knee area. Anyone else have this issue? LOL!
Oh wait…look at how cute they are!
“Kiss one more time!”
Oh and Christmas can’t be Christmas without these chocolates from Macy’s. My parents buy them every year and they’re addicting.
This is my niece-ter and I (she’s my niece, but pretty much my sister) texting my sister to get to the party!
Check out this plate I made circa ’93. I found it at the bottom of my Mom’s dinner plates and immediately took it out and had Jon take a picture of me with my one-of-a-kind work of art. It’s pretty sweet. I particularly enjoy the green blob bell.
Eliza received a ton of play jewelry and Henry received a cool Star Wars toy. They got a bunch of other toys and clothes, too!
Some of the grandkids (minus two of them) hugged and called it a night.
Phew. What a weekend!
Seriously, you guys…
Lots of love,
Marie 🙂
OMG love all of your pics so so much!! I love that list too, definitely need to remember that next year! I'm so glad you had the best Christmas! xo
What an amazing Christmas you had!! That picture of Henry and Eliza kissing in front of the tree just makes me melt into a little puddle. How sweet are they!!
Oh my goodness. Thank you so much! Isn't that list great?
Thanks! Aren't all of our kids just so stinkin' cute?! Love them! Have a great day, girl!