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Jane Kathryn – April 2019

Get ready for another blog post of a trillion pics of my babies!
Here we go……..
April started off with all the coffee and my birthday…but mostly all the coffee.
As to be expected, I was one exhausted Mama, good thing I had a cute Janie to help me get some artificial energy!
Henry got in some morning snuggles…

…and I took as many selfies as possible.

Eliza read to her sister every day.  Dear Girl was Eliza’s favorite book to read…

Somewhere in the midst of sleep-walking, I managed to make a homemade slime recipe for Eliza.
It looks as though I also allowed her wear a Christmas dress in April.
I suppose it WAS my birthday, so why not…

I turned 36.  Here’s my birthday in a nutshell.
Homemade crown.  Check.
Toys strewn about.  Check.
Jon’s t-shirt.  Check.
Glasses due to 34 minutes of sleep.  Check.
One week old baby.  Check.
Life was good.

My April PP Body…

I vaguely remember this.
Eliza needed “binoculars,” so once again, I managed to pull myself together enough to “craft.”  
Cardboard paper towel roll, construction paper and hot glue.
Bam.  Binoculars.
Eat your heart out Martha Stewart!  😉

Jane probably thought my face was my phone.  I took sooooo many pictures every. single. day.  It was ridiculous and unnecessary I’m sure.  I mean who would even look at them other than me…if only I had an online space…a blog to share…
You’re welcome…

Jane’s first check-up with all three kids in tow!

Our friend, Ashlyn, came for a visit…with her Mom, of course.  😉

More snuggles…

…more snuggles…

…more snuggles… Ha!

A couple of my favorite selfies with Jane…

Another wonderful visitor…

Our pictures had come back from Jane’s newborn photo session and I was in LOVE!

After a looooooong spring break week of having all three kids home and Jon back to work we decided to take them on a Day-O-Fun (Lindsay, I used your Day-O-Fun as an idea)!!!

I was determined to do more, so we made homemade chocolate chip cookies.
These two had been such good helpers all week!

Dare I say, Jane’s first smile?

All that hair!  Oh how I loved it and oh how I can’t wait for it to grow back in!

No caption needed…

I remember going on a solo car ride with Jane to the coffee shop.

My three kiddos!

Jane’s first official bath…

Not the best pics, but documented.  Check!

One of my very favorites!!!!  A true smile!!!!!!!!!!!

How Jon fed and spoiled me daily…

More selfies for your viewing pleasure…

A naughty kitty…

Love.  True love…

A homemade hat from my girl, Sara!

Stopping with laundry to laugh for a sec…

Eliza would practice her dance routine for me in the evenings and I would cry every. single. time.

Henry would sit next to me and read…

I mean, look at this cuteness………………and Jane is adorable, too!  HarHarHar 😉 

Another snuggly baby robe selfie…

Self care.  Scary self care, but self care.

Moby wrap for the first time!

Getting acquainted…

…and waking up…

Dropping Eliza off at school while I looked like death.  At least E looked cute…

My girl and her sweet pigtails.

My boy and his numerous amount of questions…
Jon and his little ladies…

I mean – I could just eat her up!

Easter had rolled around…

We did the egg thang
…and the Easter pajama thang…

…and the Easter Bunny did his basket thang…

…and hidden egg thang…

Sometime during Easter morning, Eliza spiked a fever and took a long nap.  She woke up refreshed and feeling much better.  We thought maybe we’d go to brunch, but stayed home instead, so no cute family Easter pic of all of us.  But here’s one of Eliza wearing her pretty dress and eating Cheerios.

…I did happen to get a pic of my littlest bunny…

…and another with her big sister.  🙂

I kept trying to be a fun mom through the dark circles and sleepy eyes.  I found these from Aldi.  They kids enjoyed making them.  I was trying so very hard to be there for Henry and Eliza…

Eliza being her sweet self…

I gave in and purchased this Dock-A-Tot.  It was a life-saver and I truly think it helped a lot.  Just look at our littlest burrito!  She was content.
Sidenote – let me know if you know anyone wanting a Dock-A-Tot!  I’m not even kidding…

Kitty was being his usual cat self, thinking he owned the place.  Just wait, cat, she’ll be crawling soon.  Dun dun duuuuuuuuuuuuunnnnnn…

A frequent stop to nurse Jane.  Oh my, it would take forever just to go down the road.  This girl loathed her carseat with a passion.  Poor Henry and Eliza spent a lot of time stuck in the car while I nursed.  I’m happy to report, that although we still have our moments, the carseat and traveling are not as awful as they once were.


We went to Henry’s end of year music performance.  Jane was fantastic…and, of course, so was our sweet Henry!

What my every night looked like…

Our poor googly-eyed baby started to get a little skin irritation/condition.

More reading…

The in-laws came for a visit!!!!
I love, love, LOOOOOVE these pictures or Grandpa George and his little Jane!!

Aunt Rachael…

Uncle Ryan…

Grandma Terri…

Jane’s first time out to dinner…and Mama stuffing her face…

Janie Jo (my little nickname for her) had officially turned one month old!!!

Bathtime fun with a cute little bathroom Pokeman helper…

Baby snuggles in Mama and Dad’s room.  Jane wasn’t having it.

Jane’s one month check up!  Look at that belly!!!  Janie was proving to be a very big baby!

Our nights were still crazy.  We were one month in and everyone was slowly adjusting to our new “normal.”  

If you’re still there, awesome!  Thanks for sticking around!
Next up, 172,983 pictures and selfies from the month of May.  😉
Stay tuned!
Marie 🙂

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  1. I'm just so glad you're blogging again! I've missed your posts so much! It's been nice to catch up on everything from the last few months. And I loooove that y'all had your own day o' fun!! B and I are overdue for one of those!

  2. Thanks, Lindsay! I'm easing into it. I'm hoping to catch up even more this week. Once I catch up I hope to share more DIYs and craft projects – my brain has been going crazy with all the fun I want to do and share. I'm saying this to you so that I'm held accountable. LOL! Oh and yes – Your days o' fun always make me happy!

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