Weekend Favorites
Hello blogging world! Is it just me or has November just slipped on by?! Mentally, my brain still thinks it’s October. I don’t mind being busy, but I don’t care for the days zooming by so quickly. Eek!
One thing for certain that I AM enjoying is the time change. Yup, I’m the crazy lady who loves the short days, the gloomy and moody weather, rain and a bit of snow. I just love, love, love the coziness of it all. Now, come mid-January, I’m over it, but for now, it’s my favorite!
Speaking of it getting dark, a bunch of us friends and our kids joined up and ran at a “Nite Lites” run at the Michigan International Speedway last weekend. It started at 6, so all the lights were on full display and were super fun to look at! The weather was also pretty nice. We’d definitely love to do it again next year!

A couple of Fridays ago our Booster Club hosted a Fun Fair and Silent Auction for our elementary students. It was a TON of work and months of preparation, but so nice to see our community come together. We had lots of volunteers this year and we made triple the amount from last year! Unfortunately, throughout the evening, I started to feel a bit sick. I was hoping it was allergies. But, once home I could barely breathe and then spent the rest of the weekend feeling awful – coughing, phlegm, just overall icky-ness. I was grateful that I made it through the event and that, from what I know, I didn’t get anyone else sick. Thank goodness!

Since the Fun Fair is over, I’m back to my regular scheduled programming of thrifting, DIYing and decorating…well, in-between all the dishes and laundry, anyway.
I found this wooden candle holder for $3 and I think I’m just going to remove the greenery and decor and add some really pretty candlesticks. More on this to come!

I also found this table at Goodwill for $20! A lady was rolling it out to be sold and I told her I’d take it almost immediately!

I can’t wait to share more about this table in the coming days. It turned out to be so beautiful and looks like an expensive piece. For $20, some supplies and lots and lots and LOOOOTS of sanding, I’d say it was worth it!
Here’s a picture of me after cleaning it up in the rain. I needed to get the stripper off and I ended up getting soaked!

I also ordered a couple other items for our home recently. These pillow covers are so pretty and are a great price.

Then, since I fixed up that table, I decided we needed an entryway rug…that’s how it goes, right? 😉 This rug is due to arrive next week and it’s non-slip, which is a must for our entryway area. I’ll definitely report back!

Welp, that’s it for now. I’m headed to get meet the Hubs for our reading and coffee date. He had an appointment in Ann Arbor this morning, so we’re meeting in-between Ann Arbor and our house so that we still get our Friday morning reading and coffee date! Latte Cheers, Friends!
Marie 🙂
I’m linking up with Momfessionals.
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