A Doctor’s appointment, some shopping, some crafting, the library, more crafting, a parade, a run and a birthday party.
What a weekend we had over here and a good one at that!
I am, unfortunately, a little late to the start of the week. I took a “sick” day yesterday. I dropped the kids off at school ran to the store and could barely stand while in the check out line. I’ve felt a little run down the last three weeks and I’ve since developed, a weird on-again-off-again morning sickness, a stuffy nose, a weird allergy headache, all followed by pure exhaustion. I’ve been trying to keep up and continue on with my days, but today I could no longer do it all. Instead, I checked out, attempted to run into another store, felt awful, came home to my contractor and his crew working on our master bathroom and went downstairs and feel asleep within seconds of closing my eyes. Jon came home for lunch and I was still sleeping. I felt sooooo not cool taking a nap in the middle of the day like that, especially with all with all these hard-people working around me, but I told Jon that had I been working, I would have called in sick…my body craved rest.
Anyway, I’m feeling a bit better, still exhausted, but attempting to paint a smile on my face today and get on with volunteering and a meeting for our school’s Booster program. Wish me luck.
Let’s do this recap thang!
If you caught my Five on Friday you saw that I had my monthly Dr’s appointment and that afterward I rewarded myself with some shopping…
I’m loving these appointments! I can’t wait to get that baby in my arms!!!
On Friday night I attended a pallet painting party with some of my girlfriends…
We had a great time and I ate a lot of snacks!
On Saturday we joined our local library for some holiday stories and Christmas sing-a-longs. There was also a lunch provided by two restaurants here in our community. It was delicious and, although others seemed to know about it, we hadn’t and were amazed with the amount of scrumptious food provided to all the participants. 🙂
Immediately following lunch was our friend, Deb’s, ornament making event. Each ornament only cost $3 to make. Deb has been making these ornaments with/for our kids since they were in three-year-old preschool, so it only felt right to have them make some for this year’s tree.
We went home for a bit and I cleaned up the basement for a while. It was in desperate need of a cleaning and it’s still not exactly as clean and organized as I’d hoped it be, but it’ll have to do for the time being.
We headed off to an early dinner, which seemed late because of the early darkness. The kids were hilarious as usual…
Eliza made snowflakes out of napkins (which I was impressed with, by the way – hey, it became a little messy, but it was a quiet tabletop activity so I’ll take it).
Henry thought it’s was THE funniest thing to wear Jon’s coat. I’m not going to lie, it was precious to see Henry’s little body sporting Daddy’s coat.
Oh my heart.
Henry “flexing” like Daddy. LOL!!!
Next up, the Christmas parade.
It was a cold one so I had the kids change into their snowpants, gloves, coats…the whole shebang!
Eliza refused to smile with me. Something about her socks and it being my fault…
*shrugs shoulders*
I try to keep them warm and I hear about it. I just can’t win sometimes…
We joined our friends’ John and Holly and their three kiddos for the parade! It was great to catch up for a bit.
This school bus won best decorated!
Lots of candy and candy canes in tow – we had some happy kiddos!
On Sunday my stuffiness started to come on something fierce. The weather was gorgeous though, well, gorgeous for December 2nd and in Michigan. It was sunny and in the mid-forties, which is basically a heat wave.
I was questioning whether or not I should go for a run. Ultimately convinced me that it’d be great to move a little and get outside. I was so happy I did and to be able to not be stuck inside felt amazing.
I came home, showered and got ready for a birthday party. The laundry and the vacuum were both staring at me…no thanks. I had some popcorn and cupcakes to eat and I was a happy lady. LOL!
The kids had a the best time and Henry talked about the birthday party for the remainder of the day as well as into Monday morning.
It was so fun letting Henry get his ticket receipt and pick out his prizes without our assistance. He’s turning into such a big boy.
Sunday consisted of making lasagna, which always takes FOREVER and getting the house in order for our contractor and his crew to arrive early Monday morning.
Henry got in some kitty snuggles. This picture is a blurry one, but Henry’s expression is so great – Nubs was just about to run off. The kids love this cat!
The remainder of Sunday night consisted of Jon and I vegging out on the couch and watching some tv. I’m loving al the lights. 🙂
I still have some tweaking to do to our tree, the kids added ornaments first and then I had to add ribbon last…my type A is taking issue with the ribbon placement. I plan to fix it here and there and then try to move on and accept that it is what it is this year.
That’s it for our weekend. Like I said, it was a good one.
Now I’m off to drink water and run some errands and then come home to relax and attempt to get healthy again.
Thanks for stopping by!
Marie 🙂
I’m linking up with
Lindsay for Hello Monday! 🙂