We had a rough start to the week over here. Being a parent isn’t easy. Fortunately, there are ways to remedy tough parenting days.
One word: wine.
Last night, while at the grocery store, I had an amazing idea to buy a bottle of wine and enjoy some vino while painting our guest bathroom. While checking out, Hubby thought he grabbed the bag of wine……………..nope. SMASH!
I don’t blame him. I blame myself for not protecting that bottle of wine as if it were my third child. The night ended well though. Jon ended up making me some delicious brownies!
I swear my love language is food…
Anyway. It’s Friday. You know the drill!
If you’ve ever heard of a little internet website called Pinterest, then you’ve more than likely pinned a project or two from Shanty2Chic. This week, Shanty2Chic made an announcement that they’re filming some shows over at HGTV! This is so exciting. Holla’ to Shanty2Chic for going from their blog to a tv show! WOW! Pure awesomeness!
The Hubby doesn’t know this yet, but I’m seriously thinking about buying Henry a pair of green Hunter rain boots. He already has a pair of adorable rain boots, but I can’t stop thinking about these adorable little boots. Ridiculous? Yes.
Jon bought me a navy pair for Christmas and I wear them all. the. time. They’re so easy to put on, they keep the water out (as all rain boots should), they’re easy to clean and they’re just so darn cute. I love the simplicity of the boots. Also, when he outgrows them, they can then be passed down to Eliza. Oh and one more thing, I really want Henry to have his four year old pictures taken in them.
Have I sold you on the idea? Probably not. LOL! Perhaps I should make up a PowerPoint presentation on why Mommy Henry needs these boots!
We went to a new aquarium over on the other side of the state with Grandpa George and Grandma Terri last week. We had a great time!
We’ve watched ‘Finding Nemo’ a handful of times since receiving it for Christmas and the kids were excited to find Nemo at the aquarium. The first picture below is when they finally found Nemo. 🙂 It was adorable-ness!
If you follow my blog, then you know that I’ve been working on my basement guest bathroom. It’s slow moving. I usually work on it for an hour or two after the kids go to bed at night. Except for Monday nights at 8 p.m.
Monday nights are for The Bachelor.
Back to the guest bathroom.
Let’s talk adult beverages again, shall we?
I must say, I’ve been extremely curious about these Moscow Mules that everyone’s been talking about. Have you had them? If so, did you buy the copper mugs? Where did you purchase your copper mugs? Tell me everything!! Argh! <— I guess I’m a pirate now?
Happy Friday, you guys! Somehow this week flew by over here. I was dreading having to actually leave the house, but, honestly, it wasn’t so bad. The kids were happy to get out of the house and back to school and Mama didn’t mind having a few hours to herself. As for today, we have…
You read that right, folks – I’m posting about our past weekend for this Friday Favorites link-up. I pretty much had this post ready to go on Monday, but then, you know, anytime I sat down to blog something else came up…so here I am…finally finishing this blog post and posting it only hours before…
Soooo…it’s been quite some time since I posted a little update with our life happenings. Honestly, I’ve been working on this blog post for about three weeks. THREE WEEKS, you guys – but I never made it past my first two “favorites.” This little post has been sitting here with only three pictures, so the…
Boy! Where do I begin? It’s been a busy and hilarious week over here, so I’m going to have to go ahead and break the rules and play catch up. Here we go! {ONE – THE ELSA WIG SAGA CONTINUES} Let’s start here. You guys, this wig. This wig. She cracks me up! {TWO…
This post contains affiliate links. It’s Friday and once Henry is out of school for the day our spring break will officially begin. Oh man…I NEED this break…the kids NEED this break. I seriously can’t wait! Being that it’s Friday also means that I get to share with you my Friday Favorites. Let’s go! {one}…
We made it to Fri-yay! Was that a long week for anyone else? It was our first week back since before Christmas and I was NOT ready to trade in my pajamas and slow mornings for jam-packed schedules and rushed mornings. I told Jon on Sunday that I felt like we were driving away from…
Hunter boots are amazing!!! Especially if you are in a rainy city. Hopefully he doesn't outgrow them too fast! I've also seen those Moscow mule drinks everywhere. I'm curious if the actual copper mugs make them taste that much better! happy Friday lady 🙂
I love my Hunters too and would love to get a pair of the little one (and future littles.) I think I remember Nordstrom doing a sale on them this past spring, so maybe you can pick up some then? Aquariums are the best for the little ones! And I so miss the wine being pregnant! Nothing is better than wine with brownies (or brownies for now!)
Stopping by from the linkup while taking a break from redoing our bathroom! I definitely think you need to buy those boots, especially because they can be handed down! Makes perfect sense. I'm sorry you had a rough parenting week. I've been there! Hope the rest of your weekend is good!!!
I really wonder that about the Moscow Mules too. I guess I'm just going to have to make up a drink or two and try it out! LOL! 😉 Let me know if you end up making some! 🙂
Hunter boots are amazing!!! Especially if you are in a rainy city. Hopefully he doesn't outgrow them too fast! I've also seen those Moscow mule drinks everywhere. I'm curious if the actual copper mugs make them taste that much better! happy Friday lady 🙂
I love my Hunters too and would love to get a pair of the little one (and future littles.) I think I remember Nordstrom doing a sale on them this past spring, so maybe you can pick up some then? Aquariums are the best for the little ones! And I so miss the wine being pregnant! Nothing is better than wine with brownies (or brownies for now!)
Stopping by from the linkup while taking a break from redoing our bathroom! I definitely think you need to buy those boots, especially because they can be handed down! Makes perfect sense. I'm sorry you had a rough parenting week. I've been there! Hope the rest of your weekend is good!!!
I really wonder that about the Moscow Mules too. I guess I'm just going to have to make up a drink or two and try it out! LOL! 😉 Let me know if you end up making some! 🙂
Thanks for the Nordstrom idea! …And yes, wine and brownies are the best, but sometimes milk will have to do. 😉 You're almost there, Mama! 🙂
Thanks, Stefanie! I never did get that glass of wine, but I did get a few minutes to breathe – which is essentially the same thing! LOL!