
Henry – Spring Concert, Field Day, Last Cold Lunch and Last Day of School

May continued to be a crazy busy month for us over here.
Henry had his spring concert…
Oh my gosh – it was the cutest.  All the kids did a great job!
Bonus – I only got teary-eyed instead of full-fledged sobbing.  Score!
Jon was able to attend!  WooHoo!!!
Sometimes I can’t get over how much Jon and Henry look alike.  So in love with these fellas of mine…
After the concert I was able to pull Henry from the last hour or so left of school. Obviously we had to celebrate – with FroYo, of course!

All the first graders took a field trip to their soon-to-be school for second grade.
Our schools no longer have neighborhood schools, which means Young 5’s through 1st go to one school, 2nd and 3rd go to another and 4th and 5th have their own, as well.  It was sooooo bittersweet to attend this trip with Henry.

Second grade???  HOW can this be?!
I promise he wanted this picture taken, but I wasn’t quick enough with my phone to get the pic of him smiling.  Brother was thinking all the artwork on the walls were so cool!  I’d have to agree…

Next up:  Field Day!  Eliza and I headed to Henry’s school on THE hottest day of the school year.  It was 90 degrees and HUMID!
The kids had a blast!

I was THAT mom on the playground who did this and I didn’t even care.  Umbrella for the win!!!  😉

Henry’s last cold lunch of first grade.  I’m not going to lie, I was pretty pumped about this one since Henry loves his cold lunch and I make him his lunch every single morning, with the exception of chicken nugget day and/or smoothie day.
I know it’s only a matter of time until he doesn’t need me to make him a lunch anymore, so although I was excited to me done making those lunches in the morning, I don’t take it for granted that he still likes for me to make him his lunch…
Do you guys watch your baby(ies) walk into school?  I’m in awe of that little being every single day…

The day before Henry’s last day of school I took him to the flower shop to pick out flowers for some of his teachers.  We did this last year, too, and we had so much fun passing them out on the last day.  I’m loving this tradition so far…

Eliza was a little bored while in the flower shop.  This picture says it all and you guys, it cracks us up  over here every time we see it!  LOL

On the night before the last day of school I saw this and just feel in love with the sweetness…with the innocence…

The last day of school had arrived!

My-oh-my, what a difference a year makes!!!
Don’t cry, don’t cry, don’t cry…


We passed out Henry’s flowers and Henry gave lots and lots of hugs to some phenomenal teachers!  Once I hugged his teacher and thanked her I, of course, lost it and started crying.  What is wrong with me?!  Seriously!!!  I then went out to my car and cried some more.
For real.  What. Is. Wrong. With. Me?!
What a great time we had!  The month of May, Henry’s year of first grade and our two years at that particular elementary school!
Watch out second grade!!!
  Here we come!!!
Marie 🙂

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