Prime Purchases – May 2023
Alrighty, so who’s ready for a random assortment of Prime Purchases?! I’ll spare you the sardines and copy paper that was ordered, amongst other household items…ahem, trash bags, socks, soap refill…
Let me start off by showing you this fun Tag Along Bike Attachment! We love to ride bikes and while Jane is still on training wheels, her older siblings can move a lot faster these days. In an attempt to have her keep up, but to continue to participate in active bike riding, Jon bought this for her, but of course in pink. 😉 She loves going for dirt road bike rides with Jon! We’re looking forward to hitting up some local trails this summer!
Co Pilot Bike Trailer (Tagalong Bike Attachment)

Another fun purchase for Jane was this National Geographic Book of Science. Jane loves dolls and all things pink and pretty, but she also really enjoys science. She loves skeletons and learning about the human body, but she’s also taken an interest in other parts of science, as well. This book is fun and it covers a lot! I plan to read it to her more this summer!
Little Kids First Big Book of Science

My neighbor recently posted about these fly traps. She shared on Facebook about how many flies she had caught, the flies have been awful lately, and she also mentioned how nasty these smell, BUUUUUUT, how incredibly successful the traps have been. Let me tell you, the pictures she shared on Facebook sealed the deal for me. It was equally disgusting and mind-blowing over how many flies she had caught….soooo gross, but soooo needed!

A favorite Instagrammer of mine, actually her tween daughter, shared this little crafty project and I IMMEDIATELY added it to my cart. My intention is to give it to Eliza on a rainy summer day, but everything in me wants to put this together myself! How fun and creative! It looks like crafting glue can be purchased to hold certain parts together, we shall see how it goes!
Dollhouse Miniature with Furniture Kit

We bought this dishwasher cleaner. Once in a while our dishwasher becomes stinky! These things really work!

We’re heading on a big trip this summer out to Yellowstone National Park! It’s going to be a loooong trip from Michigan with lots and lots of driving, but we’re pretty dang excited. We’ve started to collect a few items here and there. One being these binoculars, you know, just in case of a wolf or bear sighting…and hopefully this is as close/far as we’ll ever have to see them. Yikes!

No trip out west would be complete without a road map. Rumor has it we’ll be without wifi/internet in some locations, so a physical map will be much needed! We’ve used this map to help plan our trip out there and back! I’m already learning so much and we haven’t even left yet!

Eliza had her 10th Birthday and we made it a fun party on the lake! She was in need of a new swimsuit and this one had great reviews. She loves it and I love it, too! It’s the perfect bikini for a girl wanting to look stylish, but for a mom still wanting her little girl to look 10 and not 16. It does run big, so we had to size down, but I was pleased with that because Eliza is so tall, but still a young girl…so most suits her size are just, well, a little too much for her still. I cannot recommend this suit enough!

I also bought her these heart necklaces for her birthday. She’s been wearing them every single day!

I had also purchased a package of these facial masks for all the girls! They were a big hit!

Lastly, and these were a big hit as well, these sleep masks and headbands were very much loved by all of the girls at the sleepover!

That’s it for this month, well, sans the sardines! Haha! Thanks, as always, for stopping by! Happy shopping, friends!
Marie 🙂
I’m linking up with Tanya for Prime Purchases

*This post contains affiliate links for which I may be paid a commission.
My daughter did a miniature set like that (a bookstore) and loved it! Thanks so much for linking up with Prime Purchases! Tanya – The Other Side of the Road