Friday Favorites
I’m joining in on the Friday fun, a day late, with Andrea at Momfessionals and Erika over at A Little Bit of Everything.
I’m joining in on the Friday fun, a day late, with Andrea at Momfessionals and Erika over at A Little Bit of Everything.
It’s Friiiiiidaaaaaay! Somehow it’s Friday. How?! How is it already Friday?! Does anyone else feel like this week flew by?! As usual, I’m here for a Friday Favorites blog post. Let’s goooo! ONE Jon and I have been attending some concerts lately. Earlier in the summer I had originally purchased a small little crossover…
Happy Friday, Friends! Today I come to you with my Friday Favorites! ONE Henry’s 11th Birthday Tomorrow is our Henry’s 11th Birthday. I’m not ready…like, I’m not ready for the party, nor am I prepared at all for my once little Henry Bug to be turning 11. Watching these babies grow up is both…
Aaaaaaaaaand it’s Fri-Yay!!! We’ve been surviving the Michigan temps while on our Spring Break Staycation. Every single day has felt like a Thursday for some reason. I’ve been giving myself a lot of grace over this break and the kids seemed to be okay with just being home without any big plans and I’m beyond…
Welp! That was the longest shortest week ever! Dear May, You’re nuts! Love, One exhausted Mama Okay, so I’m here to share some of my Friday Favorites! Let’s get to it before I have to go to the next recital/rehearsal/practice/concert/field trip/appointment! Ha! ONE SOME AMAZON FAVORITES This dress arrived just in time for our Mommy…
Happy Friday! Who’s excited about Hocus Pocus 2?! We have our Homecoming tonight so we may have to watch it tomorrow, but oh man, am I excited! We’ve been keeping busy over here with all the extracurricular activities and I’ve been crafting a lot…which has been so good for my head and my heart. I’ve…
This post contains affiliate links. It’s Friday and once Henry is out of school for the day our spring break will officially begin. Oh man…I NEED this break…the kids NEED this break. I seriously can’t wait! Being that it’s Friday also means that I get to share with you my Friday Favorites. Let’s go! {one}…
Happy happy birthday again! I'm so glad you were able to get your Chick-Fil-A!!!!