Tuesday Talk

Fall Decor from Amazon

Happy Tuesday, friends. It’s mid-August and I’ll admit that as much as I don’t want summer to come to an end, I can’t stop thinking of all-things-fall-decor. So, I thought I’d stop by today to share with you some adorable AND affordable fall home decor items that I’ve recently found over on Amazon.  In fact,…

Weekly Recap

Whew!  You guys, I feel like I’ve been going non-stop over here.  It’s been crazy lately, but a good kind of crazy.  Oh my gosh and let’s not forget that spring has officially arrived and that I also spotted a bunch of robins whooping it up out at the bird feeder today – so YAY…

Weekly Recap

Happy Tuesday to one and all!  Who else was excited to wake up to it being Tuesday?  Oh man, I love that today is Tuesday!  It also means that we’ve got a short week ahead of us – WOO-HOO for that! I sure do love me some weekend! As for today, it’s a tad gloomy…