Most of December ;)
Hey guys and Happy New Year!!! It’s 2020.
What?! Wasn’t it JUST 2004?!
I best get to doing things eh?
One of my New Year’s resolutions is to blog more…story. of. my. life.
My December recap is going to start on the day after Thanksgiving, because – well, we all know that that’s the unofficial – official start of Christmas and the rest of November is just really December………………………you know what I’m trying to say. 😉
We purchased a real tree last year and decided to purchase another real one this year. I was relieved we got one so early, too – due to the tree shortage and all – our tree place ran out of trees to sell by mid-month. Crazy!!!
Here we are on the tree farm – this picture of the kids with Jane cracks me up. Correction – Jane’s face cracks me up. Zoom in. I dare you… Bahaha!!!
We walked and walked and walked.
At one point Eliza wanted to go back to the one she liked.
Um. No.
We had walked in circles, zig-zagged across the field and I was completely out of sorts when she had mentioned wanting to go back to her “favorite.” She wasn’t happy about it at first, but she eventually chilled out and we ended our “hunt” on a good note. I told the kids, “This year, Daddy gets to pick the tree.” Problem solved and a tree was picked within seconds. Boom. Done.
I love, love, looooove this pic. So much so that I slapped it on a mug and gifted it to Jon for Christmas. Henry and Eliza each wrote a special note to him and each were placed inside the mug. Jon loved it. Those notes made it so special.
Those rosy cheeks.
I forgot mittens for this sweet thang. Gah! I feel like I’m still getting used to being an itty bitty baby mom all over again.
Once home we brought in our tree. We meant for the tree to be much smaller than last year. Oops.
I wasn’t mad about it at all. Great work, Jon! Haha!
Jane with the infamous bell.
All three of our kids have rang this bell at Christmas.
It’s become a little tradition in our household; The ringing of the bell!
We told the kids to have at it while we watched the Michigan/Ohio State Game.
We had Christmas pictures taken of the kids the following day. Eliza loved matching with her sister.
This girl. She’s so much fun!
Back to the tree.
Having a real tree was, well…exhausting.
Heck, having a any kind of tree with a newly crawling 8 month old with lots of dangling shiny and glittery objects made for an interesting month. Then the needles…oh the needles…started to fall off…as needles normally do…
When Henry and Eliza were babies we had fake trees and they hadn’t yet started to crawl. This was a whole new ballgame for us, you guys. A. whole. new. ballgame.
Major shout out to all the parents who had curious little crawling babies around the holidays. I see you and I salute you. As much as I absolutely loooooved our tree, I was counting down the days until it came down … and I’m basically related to Buddy the Elf. So yeah. That’s saying something.
We attended a friend Christmas party and I tried my hand at a Charcuterie Board! This was a lot of fun for me!
We attended one of Henry’s basketball games and one of Jon’s coworkers snapped this pic of a sleeping Jane on her Mama. I love it so much, double chin and all (and I mean mine). Haha! I’ll take what I can get with pics of me and my babies these days. 🙂
Speaking of…
Mama and Janie selfie! We got in some Christmas shopping!!! So fun!
This was a fun morning. We went shopping at an Outlet Mall and it was basically our one time physically out-and-about shopping for gifts. The rest was ordered online. The Christmas Spirit was in full swing!
A sweet and random nap time pic. You’re welcome.
The Elves, Elmer and Violet, had been busy creating chaos and mischief in our home. They brought shirts and necklaces for the kids to wear to their class parties!
Eliza’s class party…
This cute hat that Eliza made in class. I thought it was the cutest thing ever!
The last day before break. Henry’s class party and pajama day for Eliza’s class…
My little helper as I got ready to attend yet another class party…
Also a tired little helper…
Time to party!
I was exhausted from holding Jane for about two hours during Henry’s par-tay. Girlfriend only wanted to be held on my hip/side. Wowza…my poor left forearm and hip – who needs those anyway?!
Henry was excited to have us in his class with him. Jane wanted nothing more that to either be held or to crawl. The latter was strongly denied. Hence all the holding…
The next thing I did before Christmas break was to finally take Jane’s 8 month picture…only about a month late! Geesh! But I got it done!
Welp, that’s where I’ll stop. Next up – our Christmas Festivities Recap.
You’re welcome in advance!!!
Talk to you soon!
Marie 🙂
What a month! Y'all had some fun adventures and I can't wait to see more! Also, I'm verrrry excited about your New Year's resolution. ;o)