Elf on the Shelf Idea List

Happy Wednesday, friends!

Can you guys believe tomorrow is Thanksgiving?  I’m beyond excited!  We’re heading to my in-laws for Thanksgiving dinner – my mother-in-law’s stuffing is amazing and I plan on getting seconds and thirds.  😉

The day after Thanksgiving marks the somewhat official start to the holiday season, which for us means that our elf, Elmer will arrive!

I wanted to make it easier for everyone, and by everyone I mean the mover of the elf…ahem me, and make a list of ideas for our elf and his placement from day to day.  I’ve also provided a little shopping list of the necessities that we may not have in our home.  I hope this little list helps someone else out there, too!  There have been times where I didn’t know what to do with the little guy; not this year!  😉

*I’ve included a list of some basic AND hard-to-find elf necessities – the linked up items are all from Amazon.  🙂
First up, who needs an elf?  Find one here! 😉

Christmas Shirts
Cottonballs and Rubber Duck
Straw and Syrup
Wrapping Paper
Box of cookies
Marshmallow Igloo
Bucket and Battery-Operated Candles
Gingerbread House
Toilet Paper
Box of Tissues
Ingredients for Reindeer Food

To see some more of Elmer’s mischievous ways click here!
That was fun – a quick, little elf post!  Love it!

Happy almost Thanksgiving, friends!!!

Marie 🙂

*This post contains affiliate links

I’m linking up with Lindsay for Welcome Wednesday and with Nicki for Totally Terrific Tuesday!

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