Weekend Recap

It’sssssss Monday!
Happy start of the week, everyone!  Today I’m sharing a quick little Weekend Recap instead of a Life Lately post due to the fact that I shared most of our week on my Five on Friday post.  You can find all the goodness here!  If you head over to check it out, you’ll be sure to find these cuties all decked out for Homecoming week!
I’ll begin where I left off on Friday.
Jon had left to pick up a family friend from the airport and they were headed up north to our other friend’s house (also the brother of the friend who was picked up at the airport).  Details.  I’m all about the details!  LOL!
That meant I was Mommin’ it by myself for the next couple of days.  We weren’t about to miss our Homecoming parade, so after school we picked up some Jimmy John’s for an early dinner, went home to eat and rest for a bit, grabbed some bags for candy and out the door we went for the parade!

We met up with our friends, Redmond and Ashlyn, their parents and grandparents.  Our mascot came right up and high-fived the kids!  WooHoo!!!

This float was great and this mask had me cracking up!  I mean – don’t get me wrong – I think it’s great, it just definitely had me chuckling.  Maybe it’s the eyes?  LOL!  Love it!

The theme for 2nd grade – 12th grade was, “Holidays.”  Hence, the “4th of July” float and this “St. Patrick’s Day” float.
After the parade I took the kids to our local frozen yogurt shop!  I turned into a “Bad Mom” and suggested that they put the candy they received on top of their frozen yogurt…along with the candy that’s provided as toppings!  LOL!  I apparently had thrown all of my parenting skills out the window.  The kids loved this Mom they were seeing.  You should’ve heard them shout, “YEAH” when I suggested the idea.  
Next up, the game.
Luckily I took two blankets and bundled the kids up somewhat well, but as we were walking into the stadium it began to sprinkle…and then rain.  I was kicking myself for not grabbing our umbrella out of the car.  We had only planned on staying until the third quarter, so it all worked out in the end.

Here’s our best attempt at a selfie.
Eliza kept trying to hide.  I’m sure you could guess they were full of energy after all that candy.  I also told them we weren’t getting hot chocolate or popcorn, but as we walked into the stadium both popcorn AND hot cocoa were only a dollar.  My inner “Bad Mom” came out once again and before I knew it we had three hot chocolates and one bag of popcorn.  LOL!
*shrugs shoulders*

You win some, you lose some…you know?  Hahaha!
The next day was a day of cleaning and organizing and attempting to get rid of a nasty headache I had been fighting since the day before.  It eventually got a little bit better – thank goodness.
We had a party to attend at 4.  It was a kickball party and normally I’d be all about playing, but I had informed my girlfriend that we’d only be staying until 6-ish.  I think I just needed a break and some rest after a busy week…and I still had a slight headache.  Ugh.
The party was wonderful and my friend made some AMAZING jalapeno poppers!  YUM!

I fed our food scraps to her chickens!  So fun!

We had a slow morning on Sunday.
I continued to organize and fold and do laundry and sweep and mop and clean bedrooms and wipe down countertops and clean our drawers………………………………

The kids seemed to be getting bored.
Henry asked me when the neighbor boys would be home at least 376 times and Eliza proceeded to recite the Pledge of Allegiance 534 times.  I forced the children into the car to head to a coffee shop and I treated myself to a hot caramel apple cider and bagel with cream cheese.  Sweets and carbs make everything better.  😉 😉 😉  In all honestly, the kids were wonderful.  I just needed a second.  You get me?

Jon arrived home around 6:30 and we were all glad to see him!
Last week was a whirlwind of Jon working long days, evenings filled with events every single night, Homecoming days and Homecoming festivities and a long and eventful weekend for all of us.
I’m excited for this week to be a bit slower paced, although it seems to be shaping up to be yet another busy week.  Whew.  As my sister would say, “Thankful, Grateful, Blessed.”  🙂 
Thanks for stopping by!
Marie 🙂
I’m linking up with LindsayHeather and Johannah for Hello Monday!

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