You guys, you guys – Christmas is 12 days away! Woo-Hoo!
I’m a bit more prepared this year than I have been in years prior and oh-my-gosh I’m so excited!
It continues to get dark out earlier, twinkling lights are all around, Christmas songs are being played, there’s excitement in the air and the humming of the furnace brings warmth to the home. Okay, so that last one doesn’t exactly scream, Charles Dickens, but hey, I’m grateful for the heat. Ha!
So, I’ve gotta tell ya’, when I was a little girl I couldn’t wait for my Mom to give me permission to go downstairs and get out the Christmas decor.
I loved putting out pretty red and green placemats for the side tables and then carefully placing Christmas tins atop of said placements.
I would spend so much time (which was probably only like five minutes – haha) decorating the coffee table with the best Christmas knick-knacks I could find.
I couldn’t wait to decorate my parents’ Christmas tree! It was ALWAYS real and more times than not, it was far too large for the space…but, oh, the memories.
My mom would set up her Department 56 collection on a large table or sometimes on a large cutout piece of plywood over by my parents’ wood stove. Mom would spend hours perfecting the Christmas village.
I love those memories and I hope I’m putting in as much effort as my Mom did to ensure we’d always have a memorable Christmas.
Welcome to our red and green themed kitchen and living room…. 🙂
Thanks scrolling through.
Happy warm, cozy and memory-filled December days, friends. 🙂
I’m linking up over at Totally Terrific Tuesday