Welp, being the awesome blogger that I am I’ve had this post ready to go for weeks now, but had yet to actually hit “publish.” Good golly, I sure can be lazy sometimes.
So, before Henry started school we had been taking in all-things-summer – well, what was left of it anyway. Jon and I had been getting the kids outside quite a bit, we were letting them stay up longer than usual, getting out on the lake, tubing a lot and generally just slowing down and enjoying the dog days of summer.
For a while there I had even been trying to get out and run a little. These little humans were quite the cheerleaders for their Mama! And for as big as they’re getting, I loved how they could still fit in my jogging stroller. These sweet stroller days are quickly coming to an end and it makes me oh-so-sad. But for the time being I’m going to be “that mom” and love on the fact that both kiddos can still go for rides while I jog around the park.
As a reward for getting squished, I had promised them I’d take them to the park.
Done deal.
Back about a month ago, I had taken the kids back-to-school-clothes-shopping on a whim.
It turned out to be a pretty pleasant, and, not to mention fast, shopping trip. The kids wanted to ride that carousal you see there and much like the stroller, it reminded me of how big they’re getting.
Eliza’s room looked like this a lot this summer.
Believe me, I cleaned up this room all summer long…I really did…I still do. But someway, somehow, by bedtime the next day, this is what would happen.
Just keepin’ it real over here, folks!
We went on a pool-day-play-date and I was able to sit and visit with a couple of my girlfriends. A good time was had by all. 🙂
The kids had their wellness check-ups.
They both did great, in fact, I’d say it was actually their best visit ever!
However, Eliza had to get two shots this time around and she was NOT happy about it. At one point I looked over at Henry sitting in the corner of the exam room and he had tears in his eyes. I said, “Oh honey, you’re not getting any shots today. Is that why you’re crying?” Henry replied, “No. I’m worried about Eliza.”
Gosh darnit – I tell ya’, this boy is as sweet as they come.
Our “best visit ever” quickly turned into lots of crying and tears at the tail end of the visit. Lots of Mama snuggles were promptly provided. 🙂
All crying ceased as we approached our local McDonald’s (which doesn’t happen often, so it was sort of a big deal).
At one point this summer, Mama got some Mommy Time and went out to dinner and a show with a couple of my girlfriends.
I went to see Footloose at our local theater with these two amazing ladies!!! We had a great time! I came home and talked Jon’s ear off about how good it was!
I loved every.single.minute. of it!
The next morning we headed back to the theater with the kiddos for a Popcorn Theater show. This time it was Little Red Riding Hood and it was so stinkin’ cute!
I convinced Jon that we needed to visit an adorable store a couple towns over. The pictures below are of an old UPS truck converted into a mobile store.
I’ll never look at a UPS truck the same way again. All I see now are cute little shops inside…
Here’s the actual storefront. I was smitten. Absolutely smitten.
This dress.
I reaaaaaally wanted this dress for family pictures, alas, it didn’t come home with me… Boo!
We took the kids out tubing for the bazzillionth time. We’ve got some lake babies on our hands!
The kids gave me a spa day – and after cleaning Eliza’s room yet again for the 29,593,604th time only for it to become a pig sty yet again – I deemed a spa day necessary and gave in to some much needed R&R!
The kids asked me if I wanted pickles on my eyes…………..I assumed they meant cucumbers………….
……….I got carrots.
Eliza also seemed to be in need of some down time as she had become utterly exhausted from her untidy ways.
The kids earned tickets to our local library’s Over-Acheiver’s Reading Party! There were lots of games and snacks and lots of fun prizes were handed out.
Jon’s parent’s came over for a lake day, so the kids and I headed a couple towns over to pick up some dinner essentials from an amazing and unique little meat market. I felt like I was living back in the 1950’s. The environment, the uniforms, the way they managed the store. You guys, it was a serious time-warp. Oh and I absolutely loved how they wrapped and stamped this bacon.
Anyhoo, we had lots of fun with the in-laws and while out on the lake I remembered my big girl camera! Can you say, “zoom!?” Yay!
Look at those cool grandparents!
Next up was the fair!
I took pictures of myself with goats for my amazing friend, Sara! I thought I was hilarious, I can’t speak for the goats.
The kids were loving the rides!
There weren’t many kids at the fair when we went, so both kids were able to ride some rides all alone…
Eliza riding this train all alone had Jon and me cracking up!
Eliza thought it was great! LOL
Whew! That was a fast ride!
We still had a bit-o-summer left around these parts and as luck would have it, our amazing neighbors had purchased a paddle boat way back around the Fourth of July. My awesome neighbor, Amy, invited me out for a paddle boat ride one afternoon.
I mean, who was I to turn down a paddle boat ride!?!
We ventured out and had a great time! We’ve since gone out two other times, more to come on that later this week.
Don’t we look great out there?! 😉
Summer was happening, and happening fast, and there was more fun to be had. Come back again tomorrow to scroll through more of our summer happenings!
Happy Monday, Friends! I’m stopping by on this lovely Monday to share with you some of our life happenings over here. Guess what?! I went waterskiing! Let me start by saying that for me living on a lake, I have this thing where I’m a tad anxious nervous terrified to be out in the water itself….
You guys, you guys – Christmas is 12 days away! Woo-Hoo! I’m a bit more prepared this year than I have been in years prior and oh-my-gosh I’m so excited! It continues to get dark out earlier, twinkling lights are all around, Christmas songs are being played, there’s excitement in the air and the humming…
Happy Valentine’s Day! Today I’m linking up with Andrea from Momfessionals for the Share and Tell Tuesday Link-Up to share with you the loves of my life. Here we go – I’ll be starting with that handsome husband of mine, Jon. 😉 {Jon} This is the guy who, over seventeen years ago, once stood on my…
Happy Tuesday, friends! We just got back from our Lake Michigan Getaway on Sunday and boy-oh-boy, I have so much to share! It’s been a busy couple of weeks over here. The day after Henrys’ last day of Kindergarten we headed up north to Traverse City for Jon’s cousin’s wedding, then we came back home…
Here I am with Part Two of our Summer Happenings! Summer was as summer-y as ever, but the kids had to take another break (the first one being their wellness check-ups) from the sunshine in order to get their teeth cleaned! Please tell me I’m not the only one who finds the kids lying in…
So I’m finally getting around to documenting our summer getaways and just in time, too! On Tuesday Henry and Eliza will be heading to school. It’s going to be bittersweet, that’s for sure, but before I get all sappy and post about their first days of school, I have a lot a recapping to do!…