
Life Lately – Kids Edition 2024

Hi there! Phew! What a May we had! We were on the move constantly, but it was a good kind of busy and it was all about the kids, which is what I’m sharing today – a Life Lately blog post “Kids Edition.”

Our “busy” began with spring sports. Henry tried out tennis this year and loved it! He had originally signed up for track, but he just wasn’t feeling it this year, so tennis it was.

He caught on quickly and is already looking forward to next spring.

Henry and his tennis partner, Ava! They played great together!

Henry officially became a teenager! How-oh-how do we have a TEENAGER?!

Jane prepared for her dance recitals and this is her dance picture and I love every. single. part. of. it!

Her dance recitals quickly approached and she absolutely rocked it on stage!

Jane’s dance recitals, there were two recitals in one day, meant that I’d be missing Eliza’s last soccer game. She loved soccer so much and looked forward to practices throughout the week! I was so sad to miss her last game. They lost, but it sounded like they put up quite a fight.

Since I missed Eliza’s last soccer game, I took her to our local theater (the same night as all of those recitals – it was a crazy day) to watch our community theater group put on the production of, Cinderella. I loved our little special date together.

Henry had his last 7th grade band concert. He’s still loving playing the trumpet and the 7th grade band sounded phenomenal!

The last days of preschool were quickly approaching for Jane. She dressed as a “cowgirl” just because, but then she also had actual class dress up days. She had a super hero dress up day…however, I didn’t have much for her to wear, so she went as “Super Ariel.” LOL!

Then she had pajama day. That little knee and hip pop and her making a heart with her hands…love her so much.

Eliza had her 5th grade recognition night. She received all the awards except for a certain physical education award. She looked over at me and mouthed, “no,” from across the gym. It was the funniest thing ever! She also received the Silver Presidential Award. We were extremely proud of our girl.

Later in the week we went to Henry’s Honor Awards night. He received every award, including the Principal’s Award for all As in every class, all year long. He worked incredibly hard all year and his greatest achievement was receiving the second best NWEA math score in all of 7th grade! He’s excited to continue his love of math and science throughout the summer.

The most difficult part of the month was dropping off and picking up Jane for the last time at preschool. All three of our kids have attended this particular preschool. I honestly didn’t think I’d cry, but when picking up Jane, I completely lost it. I cried and cried. I’m thinking Kindergarten is going to be quite difficult for me and my Mama heart.

Eliza had her last elementary field trip at a planetarium on the Michigan State University campus. Afterward, we went to go see Sparty (Michigan State University has a goooorgeous campus) and then we went shopping at Old Navy, grabbed lunch for Eliza at Culver’s and then went to Starbucks. It was basically an impromptu skip day and we loved every second of it!

I had mentioned to Eliza on the way home from her field trip that she needed have a tooth out in order to get braces. It was definitely a conversation I should’ve saved for another time because she was not happy about it. But being Eliza, she took the tooth out herself. She had never mentioned it being loose, but she was determined to get it out herself, so she did. So, as if my mama heart couldn’t handle anything more, our sweet girl lost her last baby tooth and along with it came the end of tooth fairy visits.

Jane had her preschool graduation and luckily I had cried enough a couple of days before that I ended up not having enough tears left for her actual graduation day.

Eliza had her last 5th grade band concert. We’re extremely excited to hear and watch this band next school year! They’ve progressed so much!

Jane joined t-ball and I’m not sure if we’ll be around for t-ball pictures, so I snapped a quick picture of her the other day to at least say I had one!

Eliza turned 11. This is a picture I took super fast as she was heading into the second to last day of school with ice cream sandwiches to hand out. I love this photo of her…

She requested an ice cream cake from Dairy Queen and was one happy girl!

She received a sewing machine and a guitar…

Her last day of school was also her field day and while I didn’t volunteer, I did get Jane and Jon to join me to watch, take pictures and say hello! It was a gorgeous day!

We picked up Henry from his last day of 7th grade. He had requested to wear a Hawaiian shirt… I love that he just goes with it and is confident to be silly.

After picking up Eliza, we brought her home to celebrate her with some of her friends and they enjoyed Boba Tea, sushi, snacks and pizza!

The girls were on the lake for houuuuuurs.

They tubed, pedal boated, had a water war, found a dead fish, ate all the things and attempted to start a movie at 11:45 at night. Hahaha!

After the sleepover, it was time to celebrate Henry. We took him to an inflatable waterpark here in our town and invited a bunch of his buddies.

They. Had. A. Blast!!!

Lastly, I took Jane to a baby shower with me for my niece/sister, Aurora.

Jane had so much fun playing with her cousins and I loved sitting to visit and celebrating this beautiful lady!

Phew! What a whirlwind it has been. Hopefully I’ll find time to finish all of my unfinished projects, but with the kids being home for the summer, that could be a challenge! Ha!

Thanks so much for stopping by!

Marie 🙂

I’m linking up with Hello Monday!

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