Hey there and happy Wednesday! Who’s up for a “Life Lately” post?
There’s a lot to share. Here we go…
Let’s head back to spring break. Our spring break took place the week after Easter this year. It was nice to go and visit family and not have to worry about rushing back to get the kids ready for a weeks worth of school. We basically just relaxed and chilled out every morning and took our time while we were home. Our mornings were incredibly relaxing, but by the time afternoon rolled around it made me realize that I’m going to have to really plan out our summer because bored kids make messes. :0
We did have a little getaway planned for later in the week; we took the kids to see The Lion King!
But first we thought it’d be fun to head over to Grand Rapids/Holland, Michigan the night before the show so that we could go to one of my favorite stores, The Found Cottage, and to visit a boat store to check out a boat that Jon has had his eye on. Once again, I don’t think we’ll be getting one anytime soon, but it’s always fun to look.
Had we had a way to transport this mirror it would’ve been ours. Jon loved it just as much as I did…
When the mirror up top didn’t work out, I found this one for our mantel. I loooooved it. Jon gave me the big N-O. Guess I’ll have to find something similar from Hobby Lobby…. womp, womp.
You guys, I bought one of these candles and it is my most favorite scent EVER! I wish I could send the smell to you through the computer…
After a morning of fun, we decided to head to Kalamazoo to check-in to our hotel. We decided not to valet and ended up walking all of our luggage/bags from a parking structure. No big deal. It wasn’t crazy far away or anything, but enough to make my shoulders ache. As Jon was checking in, I noticed another Mama with her family and they were dressed so beautifully, their luggage matched and I swear their coats even matched. I looked back at my kids and our mismatched bags and dirty winter coats and just had to chuckle. Am I the only one that travels like this? I mean, we break out the good luggage for big trips, but for a night or two this is how we roll…
Classy, right?
We took the kids swimming, got dressed up and headed to dinner…
Eliza in the restroom at the hotel/restaurant. I just love her. She’s so lively.
The show was amazing and we had the best time. Our seats were located dead center and I was so worried the kids would have to use the bathroom at some point during the show. They somehow managed to not have to go and I was soooo thankful for that. They ate Junior Mints and Skittles throughout the show. I had also purchased a tiny bottle of water for intermission, but I did not let them drink any liquids for up to any hour and a half before the show until that small bottle of water at intermission. I’m still so thrilled with how they did. Eliza fell asleep for the very last number, but she woke up just as the actors were taking a bow.
The rest of our break included having some friends over for dinner, I cleaned and cleaned and cleaned, the kids played outside and I made some homemade playdough for Eliza…that she played with for ten minutes…
Once spring break was over, Eliza and I were back to our usual routine of me being told what to do, reading, cartoon watching and nail painting…
On April 11th my sister had her baby!!!!!
You guys, I’ve never cried over a baby so much in my life. Seriously, I don’t think I cried that much for own children. Maybe because I wasn’t pregnant this time around? Or I was crazy hormonal? I have no idea, but I couldn’t stop crying!!!
We made the two hour trip to the hospital to go meet my new little niece (!!!!!!!) on a school night and a work night! It was soooooo worth it!
The weather was finally starting to feel like spring and this girl and I did some bike-riding…in style, or course…
This is how Eliza usually looks while at the school pick-up line. She’s so fancy…
Girlfriend was so excited to have another little girl in the family that she started pulling out and piling up clothes for her new little cousin. This little girl’s heart is pure.
We had a pizza night!
We made cookies…
The kids had their first sleepover with the neighbor boys next door! They had THE best time ever. Rumor has it there was Sprite, Gatorade, Fanta and Pizza! Oh my gosh, these two had a blast!
Jon and I didn’t know what to do with ourselves while the kids were away for the night, so I took selfies with my cat, naturally.
Why does he sleep like that? Cats are strange…
Eliza and I played Barbies, but I only got to play the way I was told to play.
I sent a text to my friend Sara asking why I was wearing a flannel in April. It had felt like spring only hours before and then suddenly it was freezing. Also, this picture cracks me up…I think I’m hilarious.
Eliza had her kindergarten registration. You guys, KINDERGARTEN. Please pass the tissues…
We visited a car wash. Now you may be asking, “Marie, why are you blogging about taking your kid through a car wash?” To that I reply, “Because my kids always have the best reactions to car washes and it makes me smile.”
This little lady and I went shopping…
I had to paint her nails…again…
This time she wanted her nails to be painted in a “pattern” using the colors and order of colors she told me to paint them in. I see no pattern. I just do as I’m told. 😉
Jon went skiing last week. The water was 43 degrees. I think he’s still thawing out. It looked rather painful.
We left town last Saturday to head up to our nephew’s fourth birthday. On the way we stopped at an awesome store that we haven’t been in for quite some time. Any store that has this much cheese is a winner to me. I could live within those walls…
…and oh my gosh, a sea of pistachios. I wanted to jump in!
I’m not a seafood eater, but I took this picture to show my parents. Methinks they’ll be making a trip to this store the next time the come over…
We traveled to the thumb of Michigan for the party and per usual, the windmills always intrigue me…
The kids played and consumed lots of flavored drinks…
On our way back home we stopped for dinner at our favorite restaurant in Flint, changed the kids into their pajamas and arrived home at around 10:30. It was a long day, but it was totally worth it.
Last Sunday consisted of sleeping in and in the afternoon, I took Eliza to a another party. Before I knew it, it was time for bed. Phew.
Now I’m off to go read to Henry’s class, pick up Eliza from school, grocery shop, do some laundry and dishes, pick up Henry from school, make dinner and take Eliza to dance class. Wowza. Hopefully I’ll get a chance to breathe somewhere in there, too. Ha!
Have a great one, you guys!
Marie 🙂