Here I am again today with another installment of “Summer Happenings.” I do believe other than blogging about Henry’s and Eliza’s first days of school, I should be all caught up.
Let’s get to it.
A few weeks ago, Henry lost his third tooth…
I stayed up on a school night and watched a movie all alone…because I’m crazy like that…aaaaaaand I probably had too much caffeine that day and couldn’t sleep. Anyhoo, I got sucked into watching, Sweet Home Alabama (I’ve watched it a bunch of times before – and it never gets old). I was awake until almost 1 a.m. to finish up the movie when the TV decided to just stop.
I was so annoyed as I had invested so much of my evening and early morning into watching a movie all alone. I was willing to pay for it the next day in exchange for watching a chick flick all by my lonesome, but the ending never came. Sad face.
The good thing is that I know how it ends; so that’s good. The other good thing is that I loved how it stopped with the character sporting a mullet. At least I had a little chuckle after finding myself to a bit frustrated. Haha
This girl and I did some grocery shopping while Henry was at school…
Eliza attended a princess birthday party! In fact, it was her first party that she’s ever been invited to without Henry, so it was sort of a big deal!
At this particular party every girl received a candle to blow out so they could make their very own wish. I thought it was such a sweet idea!
The girls were able to make their own crowns…
I love Eliza’s name on hers… 😉
…and the girls also played with water beads…
After some yummy food, some cupcakes, and some crafting, the girls decided to really whoop it up!
Now this is how princesses party…
It was time to open some gifts!
Eliza had a great time and I so did I!
After the party, my neighbor, Amy, and I took the paddle out for another ride. This time we made it our mission to paddle all the way over to a bar across the lake.
Mission Accomplished.
That drink you see there gave me some liquid courage to text a friend (actually, I texted a couple friends) and ask her to meet us at the bar.
Next thing I knew, she was sitting next to us.
This particular friend of ours also lives on the lake. After finishing our beers and eating some appetizers, Amy and I got to work paddling her back to her house!
Once back at our house, the kids played and played! I do believe we went tubing yet again. This girl decided to wear Henry’s Batman rash guard and oh-my-gosh, those curls of hers were in full effect!
We found this leaf which served as a reminder that summer was quickly coming to an end.
I took this picture of our swingset…
…because I was selling it to a friend to in order to make room for a new, but used, swingset. Remember that friend we paddled home? Yup, her three daughters have outgrown their swingset, so we bought it from them.
Henry was busy making a “for sale” sign…even though it was already sold…
This picture has nothing to do with this post, but I just love how this girl loves her colorful clothes.
Henry had another loose tooth…
Eliza had her four-year-old preschool open house (more to come on that soon)…
Eliza taught Henry how princesses roll…literally…
We hired a company to disassemble and reassemble our new/used swingset!
Bam! Done!
It had been assembled while Henry was at school, but Eliza and her cousins (who just happened to be visiting) couldn’t resist going outside to play!
The Friday before Labor Day, our neighbors and Jon and I hosted some friends for an “End of Summer” party.
It was a tad chilly, but a great time was had by all!
We lived it up on the lake while the water was still kind of warm…
This boat was out and about all weekend. My neighbor informed me of this boat out on the lake, so I grabbed my binoculars and big camera to take a closer look. I thinks it’s genius.
Eliza and I headed back to the gym (she went to childcare – don’t worry, no little Hercules or anything like that going on – Ha!) because I like to eat a lot and sit down a lot and those two things don’t necessarily go hand-in-hand. Ugh. Time to get serious.
Henry and the neighbor boy found this bug! Look at the size of that thing!
Well, I think I’ll end it there…with that huge bug. Haha. I’ll be back with the kids’ first day of school recaps. Thanks for sticking around!
Happy Monday, Friends! I’m stopping by on this lovely Monday to share with you some of our life happenings over here. Guess what?! I went waterskiing! Let me start by saying that for me living on a lake, I have this thing where I’m a tad anxious nervous terrified to be out in the water itself….
Welp, being the awesome blogger that I am I’ve had this post ready to go for weeks now, but had yet to actually hit “publish.” Good golly, I sure can be lazy sometimes. So, before Henry started school we had been taking in all-things-summer – well, what was left of it anyway. Jon and I…
Here I am with Part Two of our Summer Happenings! Summer was as summer-y as ever, but the kids had to take another break (the first one being their wellness check-ups) from the sunshine in order to get their teeth cleaned! Please tell me I’m not the only one who finds the kids lying in…