We’ve all heard the quote, “One man’s trash is another man’s treasure.”
Welp, me hearties, I reckon I found me self some loot. Arrrghh!
Okay, so I’m not a pirate and there were no ships or sword fights involved when acquiring this piece.
But, what I will tell you is that I happily drove over to our local Goodwill, found this side table, graciously paid five bucks for it and squealed with excitement as I carried this baby out to my car.
I should’ve stuck with the pirate story, huh?
Waaaay cooler.
Soooooooo, what do you think of it?
Okay, okay – so my newly purchased “treasure” happened to be in shambles. But there was just something I absolutely loved about the round pieces (not sure of the technical, carpentry term) on the sides, the round legs and the original knobs.
I’ve gotta tell ya’, it was exactly what I’d been looking for…even with all those scratches, dents and wobbly legs!
Nothing a little Annie Sloan Chalk Paint and a screw driver couldn’t fix, right?
Challenge accepted.
Last weekend I got to work on getting it painted. Over the course of an afternoon, I managed to apply three coats of a mixture of Annie Sloan’s White and Vintage White to this wobbly little side table.
Once the three coats had dried, I then sent a picture of it to two of my girlfriends asking whether or not I should distress it
They voted it get distressed.
I agreed.
After sanding the edges and corners I was completely covered in chalk dust…and I kind of loved it!
I then removed any excess dust with a damp towel and I used cotton swaps to get chalk dust out of those tiny little crevices.
I let it dry for about an hour and then I sprayed it with a sealer. The particular sealer I used says that it dries to the touch in about twenty minutes and it’s ready to handle in 24 hours!
Ever since it was sealed, I’ve been letting it sit out in our garage to let the fumes dissipate a bit. I did, however, manage to move it inside earlier this week for a quick photo opp.
I don’t know about you guys, but I’m quite proud of this little side table. She’s not perfect, but she’s perfect to me…….. 😉 😉 😉
I’m sure there’s some kind of cheesy 70’s music/song/lyrics that should go right here. HA!
I’m hoping to permanently move her inside sometime today and dress her up a bit. I’m thinking a vase full of lilacs would be the perfect accessory! What do you think?
Thanks for the visit!
Marie 🙂
I’m linking up over at the Totally Terrific Tuesday Link-Up Party!