You guys, the kids are looooving this. I highly recommend making one for every occasion!
A couple of changes.
I got my hair did (no worries, my car was parked while taking this hair selfie).
I finally, fiiiiiiinally bought new glasses. My last ones were over six years old! It was a tough choice, but I ended up going with these ones…
They’re great for kiss attacking my little guy!
This shirt just arrived in the mail for our upcoming Disney trip and I kind of love it (find it here on Etsy).
In fact, I’m wearing it right now.
This girl.
Matilda Jane.
Also, might I add that the same day Eliza wore this dress, Mrs. Joanna Gaines’ daughter was wearing the same dress while visiting her Mama on Fixer Upper!
I mean, that practically makes Joanna and I BFFs, right?!RIGHT?!
We’re going to Disney World! We’ve known for quite some time (about 7 months) that we’d be venturing to the “Happiest Place on Earth.” It’s now officially “go time” with all things Disney and what better way to start than with a Disney Paper Chain Link Countdown! I don’t know who’s more excited – me…
Happy Friday! We had a rough start to the week over here. Being a parent isn’t easy. Fortunately, there are ways to remedy tough parenting days. One word: wine. Last night, while at the grocery store, I had an amazing idea to buy a bottle of wine and enjoy some vino while painting our…
Happy Friday! I hope you had a wonderful week. Our week was a tad looong. Both kids have been sick, sick, sick, but they seem to be feeling much better today….finally. 🙂 Jon and I are so happy to have our wild, little kiddos running around the house again! Let’s get to…
Hey all! Happy Weekend! I’m a little late to the party so let’s get right to it! {ONE} Henry finally caught his first fish! We had spent a total of approximately eight hours over two weekends in an attempt to catch one fish. We were soooo happy for our little…
WooHoo! We’re officially weekending it up! Although, with the kids only going to school two times since January 18th (due to weather) it sure has felt like one giant weekend. The best thing about the weekend, Jon is home! Being stuck inside due to outrageously frigid temps made for one tired Mama and by this…
Wow! You guys, I’m waaaay behind with my blogging and my blog reading. Where-oh-where have these last few weeks gone? I mean, I know I was sick somewhere in there, but man – I feel like it was Thanksgiving, then BAM! Here we are. Okay, okay – put on my girl pants and deal with…
When are you going to Disney!!?? I can't wait to hear about your trip!
Love your new glasses and that dress Eliza is wearing is adorable! And yes, that totally makes you and Joanna BFFs!
I always miss Fixer Upper, I should really DVR that! That barn is amaaaaaaazing!
Have a wonderful time in Disney!! Also, love your new glasses and haircut!! And I totally was swooning over that Fixer Upper home from last week. Makes me want to renovate a barn!!
LOOOOVE your new glasses! I'm way overdue for a pair as well. I think mine are from 2009. And my prescription has changed like three times since then. Woops.
I can't wait to hear all about your trip to Disney!!!!
Thanks! Yeah, I was waaaaay overdue, too! It felt weird to go out in public wearing cute glasses. Believe me, you didn't want to see me in my old ones. Yikes! 🙂
When are you going to Disney!!?? I can't wait to hear about your trip!
Love your new glasses and that dress Eliza is wearing is adorable! And yes, that totally makes you and Joanna BFFs!
I always miss Fixer Upper, I should really DVR that! That barn is amaaaaaaazing!
That house is stunning! I need to catch up on that episode!
Have a wonderful time in Disney!! Also, love your new glasses and haircut!! And I totally was swooning over that Fixer Upper home from last week. Makes me want to renovate a barn!!
I love the shirt AND that Matilda Jane dress!
LOOOOVE your new glasses! I'm way overdue for a pair as well. I think mine are from 2009. And my prescription has changed like three times since then. Woops.
I can't wait to hear all about your trip to Disney!!!!
Yes! It was a great episode!
We're going in February! Ahhhh! We can't wait!
Thanks! Yeah, I was waaaaay overdue, too! It felt weird to go out in public wearing cute glasses. Believe me, you didn't want to see me in my old ones. Yikes! 🙂
Thanks, girl!
Thanks, girlfriend! If you find a barn, I'll head up north and help ya' out! 😉