Five…errr…Ten on Friday – Rule Breaker!

Boy!  Where do I begin?  It’s been a busy and hilarious week over here, so I’m going to have to go ahead and break the rules and play catch up.

Here we go!


Let’s start here.

You guys, this wig.

This wig.  

She cracks me up!


So here’s the thing, I had originally planned for the kids to be wearing their cute orange and black Halloween attire while picking out pumpkins.

Welp, life happened and we decided, let’s just go get pumpkins!  Oh well, every picture can’t be planned and blogger-perfect, so rocket-ship-shirt and Minnie Mouse it is!


Is there anything better?

Hopefully we can get an even bigger leaf pile this weekend!


If you or somebody you know watches college football, then you know what happened last Saturday.

If not, then let me inform you that our favorite team, the University of Michigan, lost.  Sad face.

I thought about embedding the video for ya’ll to see for yourself what I’m talking about, but I didn’t have the heart to watch it again.

Let’s just say that during those final seconds of the game, I screamed, “Noooo!”  Jon fell to his knees and he now has a rug burn and my Father-in-law just left the room and went into the kitchen.

Then it was silence.

We were speechless, just speechless.  We couldn’t believe what had just happened.

That being said, we’re proud of our Michigan football team, it was a great game and we can only rise up from here!


…and here’s Eliza impersonating me after the game…ooooor she just wanted that cheese.



Have you heard of this book?  If not, go and get it.  I’m only half-way through it and it’s already changing my perspective on how I clean, organize and fold!  I love the whole idea of only having the items in your home that “spark joy.”  Great concept.  It’s definitely worth a read.


My Sister-in-law delivered her third baby boy two weeks ago and I must say that I’m in love.

He snuggled with Aunt Marie for an hour…an hour!!  I loooooved it.  We’ll be getting together again for Thanksgiving and I’ve already warned my SIL that Aunt Marie will be stealing him away for lots and lots of snuggles.


Henry took a field trip to the fire station with his preschool class last Friday.  He was all about it!  I’ll let the pictures do the talking…


Every Wednesday, while Henry is at school, Eliza and I meet up with Sara and her little girl, Ashlyn, at our local coffee shop.  I love that Eliza has a little girl friend and I love spending some one-on-one time with my little girl.
After coffee we head to music class and then play in the church nursery while we wait for big brother to get out of school.  
The girls are a hoot and I’m loving all of these fun Wednesday mornings!


We’ve been crafting it up a lot over here!  This ghost craft idea came from Andrea over at Momfessionals and I think it’s the cutest.  Henry ended up adding raisins for legs and dry spaghetti noodles for arms while I was preoccupied with washing the dishes.  He also added eyeballs, a nose and smile to his ghost.

I love, love it so much!


If you’ve never met me, just know this how I look 99.9% of the time.  I don’t know if it’s a good thing or a bad thing!

A couple of days ago I shared with you some of our past Halloween costumes.  It was so fun to share these costumes and memories with all of you!  If you haven’t already visited Momfessionals for her Halloween Costume Link Up, then head over there.  You’ll have fun checking out other Halloween costumes of the past and present!

Well, that’s it for me.  I think I’m all caught up.
Thanks soooo much for stopping by my little blog.
Happy Friday!
Marie 🙂
I’m linking up with AprilNatasha, and Christina for the Five on Friday link-up Paaaaarty!
I’m linking up with A Little Bit of EverythingMomfessionals, and Grace and Love for my Friday Favorites!
I’m linking up with September Farm and The Farmer’s Wife for the Oh Hey Friday linky party!

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  1. Oh girl, we saw the end of your game Saturday and it was just heart-breaking. I'm so sorry that you guys had to go through that!

    I've been thinking about getting that book and lately it seems like everyone LOVES it. I guess I need to jump on board as well.

    AAAAH I love Henry's ghost!! We did one of those this week, too, and Jacob enjoyed it so much!

    And finally, I'm so jealous of your Wednesday girls date. I need to quit my job so I can do this, too!!

    Have a wonderful weekend! XO

  2. Sorry to hear about your team, we had a heartbreak this week but it was with our Chicago Cubs, they totally choked and gave up their chance at the World Series which I would REALLY like to see in my lifetime!!

    The pics of Henry at his field trip are hilarious and priceless!

    I love that you have a Wednesday girl date, I wish I lived closer to join in on it!

    Going to check out your Halloween post now!

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