It’s Friday Favorites time!
I’m joining in on the Friday fun with Andrea at Momfessionals and Erika over at A Little Bit of Everything.
We went on a ski trip last weekend up in northern Michigan and we had the best time together! I’m hoping to get a post up of our adventures sometime next week. I posted quite a bit over on IG, but it didn’t happen if it’s not blogged about. 😉
Jane did great this year! She actually skied, as opposed to last year. Scroll down…
Poor thing. She was not having it.
This year was great even with negative temps reaching -12 and -7 degrees. Yikes! These kids bundled up and did great. I can’t wait to share more.
Speaking of trips! We’re heading to Disney soooo soon! We’re under 40 days to go and I have so much to do! We’ve gone twice before, once in 2016 and again in 2018. We had plans to go again in early 2020 but Jane hadn’t received the measles vaccine and there had been a random measles outbreak. If only we had known what was around the corner about a month or so later…I soooo wish we had taken that trip.
Anyone else going this year?! Have any of you gone since the pandemic began? I’d love to hear about your experience.
This cookbook for kids has been so much fun. Eliza’s loving it. She’s made monkey bread twice, little mozzarella cheese and tomato appetizers and homemade brownies. I highly recommend it!
Anyone else have this playing on repeat?! I love it more and more every day!
Some screenshots from the week…
The kids know I mean business when I get to Jeez Louise!
This is so true for Michiganders. Haha! I’m one for “Actual Up North,” since I grew up near the thumb.
This. This is me.
Love this. What a beautiful reminder.
Thanks for following along!
Marie 🙂
I hope you have a great time in Disney! We were supposed to go in early 2020 as well but two of the six of us had the flu and we pushed the trip off for a few months… only to have everything shut down.
I'm so impressed that you went skiing in negative temps. We live in Connecticut, and most of us in the state whine and moan when the temperatures get into the 20's. (lol) I hope you have fun in Disney. Also, I like the definitive guide to "up North" for Michiganders–it's really eye opening for us folks that think we know our geography and then realize we really didn't know the shape of the state after all. Enlightening.
Thanks so much! I'm happy I'm not alone with not having gone back in 2020 – what a bummer, eh? We're really excited, but I'm preparing for how it'll be different.
Haha! It was freezing. The only reason we got our booties out on the slopes was because we were paying to be there, otherwise, I would've sat inside and stayed nice and toasty! LOL! 😉 Also, I'd looooove to go to Connecticut. It's definitely on my list of places to visit. As for Michigan, it's such a large and oddly shaped state. We have lakes, mountains, cliffs, the cutest little lakeshore towns… It's absolutely stunning. I've yet to get all the way through the upper peninsula, the furthest I've been is Escanaba.
I'm so excited for y'all and your Disney trip! I hope you recap it all! We're going the first week of April – FINALLY – and we're soooo excited!!!!
Thanks! We are too!!! I totally plan to recap all of it and obnoxiously post on Instagram! Haha! I swear if I lived in Florida and anywhere close to Orlando I'd apply to work in the parks!
I'm so excited for you guys, too!!!