
Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites

Happy Friday, friends! We’ve had another busy week of soccer practices, cross country practices, a cross country meet and dance class. I’m so very grateful for the weekend! I’m one tired Mama! I have been creating and blogging and posting more – Yay for that! But how the heck do people get thousands upon thousands…

Halloween Ghost Mop Pillow

Halloween Ghost Mop Pillow

Let’s make a Halloween Ghost Mop Pillow! The supplies needed for this Halloween Ghost Mop Pillow consist of a pillow (I used one from my linen closet), a mop from the dollar store, some small buttons (also from the dollar store), some hot glue and scissors. The first step is easy peasy – cut off…

Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites

Happy Friday! It’s been a busy, but happy week full of creating and keeping up with the kids! I’m loving my DIYs this week! I’m linking them up below! Halloween Skull Vase Budget-Friendly Tomato Cage Ghost Pretty Ghost Suckers I also shared these cute Halloween mugs from Target!! I love the pumpkin one! Halloween Mugs…

Halloween Skull Vase

Halloween Skull Vase

Today’s Halloween craft of the day is this spooky, but home decor chic, Halloween Skull Vase! This craft involved a visit to the dollar store for this spooky skull, a visit to my garage for some spray paint, a quick rummage through my knife drawer and then I headed out to my backyard to accessorize!…

Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites

Happy Friday! We’ve been settling into our new routine of being busy every afternoon! Henry’s running cross country this year and Eliza is playing soccer AND she’s also in a play. Jane attends dance on Wednesdays and I am on our school PTO. Someone needs to come up with a kid taxi service/bus! Lol!!! I’ve…